Discover the capabilities of the Call Events utility, an efficient, API-driven method of tracking and managing voice calls from initiation to completion. In simple terms, the functionality of this tool encompasses actions such as initiating, ending, transferring, holding, and recording calls.

Whether you are a small business or an enterprise, understanding call components and actions is key to optimizing your communication processes. In this article, we explore the benefits and practical use cases of the Call Events utility. This tool allows users to tailor applications for dynamic call processing, CDR reception, billing, and comprehensive tracking, all facilitated by real-time updates.

Key benefits of Call Events for your business

Visibility and control

Gain insight into every aspect of your calls and messages, from Caller ID and call duration to cost details and message delivery confirmations. Administrators benefit from extensive call visibility, allowing them to effectively control and manage communication settings and preferences such as call forwarding, call waiting, call blocking, and recording.

Insights and analytics

Make smarter decisions with detailed reports and statistics regarding communication usage and performance. Delve into call volumes, quality assessments, message responses, and much more. Utilize this data to optimize your communication strategy and manage your budget effectively.

Integration and automation

Seamlessly integrate communication services into your applications or devices, whether they be web browsers, mobile apps, or CRM systems. Leverage the API for streamlined communication workflows, automating processes like sending notifications, reminders and confirmations.

Use cases of Call Events

Efficient billing

The Call Events feature helps to significantly refine the billing process, ensuring accuracy and fairness. Operators are able to track and record the precise amount of time, data and features utilized during a call, with the result that customers are billed based on their actual service usage. This approach allows customers to be charged only for the services they actually use, as opposed to the limitations of fixed or flat rate billing strategies. The result is greater cost transparency and flexibility, as well as increased customer loyalty.

Furthermore, the accuracy and efficiency of the billing process can be increased by automating the collection of call event data, from network elements to billing systems. This automation minimizes errors, delays and disputes that may arise during billing, thereby strengthening customer trust and satisfaction.

Insightful statistics

The Call Events functionality extends beyond billing, playing an important role in improving customer service through the delivery of timely and accurate information. For example, call center performance and efficiency can be fine-tuned by analyzing key metrics and trends in calls.

Call events data provides real-time insights into call characteristics, such as caller ID, IP address, device type, and network type. This real-time tracking allows for immediate advisories, and businesses can set up alerts and notifications for any issues or anomalies that might impact call service or quality. This practice ensures a proactive approach to maintaining an optimal customer experience.

Robust security measures

To enhance security, businesses can use call event data to detect and prevent fraudulent or malicious calls, thereby protecting against threats like spam, phishing, spoofing and denial-of-service attacks. By applying rules and algorithms such as anomaly detection and behavior analysis, businesses can actively identify suspicious call events and take swift corrective action such as call blocking or alerting, to mitigate the impact of fraudulent calls.

By leveraging Call Events for security purposes, businesses strengthen their defenses against potential threats, promoting a secure and trustworthy communication environment for their customers.

Streamlined integration solutions

You can further enhance your communications by using workflow automation tools such as Zapier or Pabbly. These platforms seamlessly integrate your telecom services with various apps, allowing you to create workflows based on call events that trigger actions for incoming and outgoing calls, and SMS. With Zapier and Pabbly serving as comprehensive platforms, users can connect and automate a range of applications and services, including emails, CRM, and social media.

Here are practical ways you can use Zapier or Pabbly to leverage the Call Events feature of your telecom services:

  • Send emails or text messages to your customers immediately after call completion.
  • Keep your customer information up-to-date by adding new contacts or updating existing ones in your CRM system.
  • Simplify your scheduling process by automatically generating calendar events or reminders for upcoming calls.
  • Generate detailed reports showcasing the statistics and trends of call events, providing valuable insights for service optimization.


As technology advances, using Call Events helps businesses of any size to stay ahead, guaranteeing secure, clear and efficient communications. By integrating with workflow automation tools like Zapier or Pabbly, businesses can not only streamline their communication processes but also unlock new possibilities for customer engagement and efficiency.

DIDWW SMS and Voice services can be seamlessly integrated with the automation platforms Pabbly and Zapier. This collaborative integration empowers our customers to streamline tasks and processes, efficiently connecting with thousands of business apps to enhance workflows and increase productivity. For additional information on our services, please contact us at or via our live chat at any time.