Gold or vanity numbers are memorable and unique phone numbers that are prized for both personal and business use. A phone number containing an exclusive alphanumeric combination or specific sequence of numbers may be a crucial reminder of a business, forming an integral part of a company's marketing materials and visibility.
We are pleased to announce that users may now select toll-free, local, national, mobile and SMS-enabled gold numbers from our extensive inventory, as a fully self-service process through our User Panel.
The online procedure for selecting gold numbers is the same as for choosing regular DIDs; however, a "Gold number" tab is available for displaying the current inventory of vanity numbers, together with the applicable pricing. A search utility is included that allows customers to locate numbers containing the desired numeric or alphanumeric sequences.
Selected gold numbers may be added to the same shopping cart that contains other purchased services such as regular DIDs and channels, and users are able to view their chosen numbers in the shopping cart prior to checkout.