DIDWW adds Local Termination in Latvia (+371)

Keeping in line with our commitment to continuously expand the DIDWW portfolio of products and services, we are excited to announce the availability of DIDWW outbound SIP trunking in Latvia (+371). Local termination provides customers with access to the traditional telephony network, including calls to local, mobile, toll-free, short and emergency numbers. Local dialing is now supported by DIDWW in 35 countries, with additional coverage to be added soon.

This outbound SIP trunking service is available to all users, but requires pre-approval. Please contact your account manager or the DIDWW sales team at sales@didww.com to enable this service on your account.

To view all the services and virtual numbers available in Latvia, please click here.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at customer.care@didww.com or via our live chat at any time.